From the blog.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in these posts are solely those of the authors and are not necessarily reflective of ALIES' position.

Is Abstaining Before Marriage Hard? What Are The Benefits?
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Is Abstaining Before Marriage Hard? What Are The Benefits?

The answer to the first question might seem obvious. In a culture obsessed with sex, there is a lot of pressure on those choosing to abstain to conform to mainstream values. Sex is everywhere we look and is hard to escape. Sexually explicit media and music dominate the mainstream and are compounded by hook up culture.

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Reflections on Easter
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Reflections on Easter

In past years, I thought of Good Friday as a dreadful day. I never really liked the solemnity and couldn’t wait to be done with it to get to the happy parts of Easter, like the resurrection. Today, I realize that it was because I only saw Good Friday and the passion of our Lord, as a day of sadness, grief, silence, and suffering, without seeing the great love that was behind it.

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Consent is Not Enough
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Consent is Not Enough

A culture in which the prevailing narrative of sex is centered on mutual consent. It is a culture that does not force anyone into anything, respects bodily autonomy and is based on the belief that a person is always the best judge of their own wants and needs. Consent to any activity is ongoing, freely given, informed and enthusiastic.

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Why Women Choose NFP
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Why Women Choose NFP

Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FAM), are notorious in some circles. Also called “Natural Family Planning” (NFP), they conjure images of large families and stressed out moms.

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Methods of Birth Control and Family Planning: An Overview
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Methods of Birth Control and Family Planning: An Overview

There is a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there about different methods of family planning and their mechanisms of action and effectiveness. As a life issues organization, we wanted to do some research for you so that you can get this vital information from a trusted source. It is really important to know if the method of family planning you use aligns with your values.

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Reflections on the Nativity
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Reflections on the Nativity

Christ's birth is a joyous occasion and an opportunity to reflect on the beauty of pregnancy and new life. We at The Back Porch are excited to share our reflections on the Gospels with you and hope they touch your heart. Each account of Jesus's birth is rich with insight into God's love for humanity and the dignity of human life. We hope you will be able to ponder these mysteries this Christmas, too!

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Pro-Life Resources in Edmonton
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Pro-Life Resources in Edmonton

As a passionate pro-lifer on the University of Alberta campus from 2014-2018, imagine how surprised I was to hear about The Back Porch for the first time from my ardently pro-choice friend. It’s only now that I realize that I didn’t have any clue as to how many amazing resources are available to parents experiencing an unanticipated pregnancy and pro-life people in Edmonton.

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The Far-Reaching Effects of Abortion Ideology
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

The Far-Reaching Effects of Abortion Ideology

We will start by outlining the abortion argument — the real argument that people are making, whether they realize it or not. We’ll look at how much of it is true (because some of it certainly is) and then we’ll move on to two major results of this type of thinking — the spectrum of personhood and the offloading of responsibility for pregnancy and children onto women.

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Clarifying Adoption and Foster Care: A Child First Approach
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Clarifying Adoption and Foster Care: A Child First Approach

Adoption and Foster care, what they are and how they relate, are often misunderstood. The difficulties and number of children currently in "the adoption and foster care system" are often used as an argument for making abortion more morally palatable.

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What We Can Learn About Abortion from Women Who Choose Life
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

What We Can Learn About Abortion from Women Who Choose Life

Abortion is common in our society. So many people see it only as simple medical procedure that quickly ends a pregnancy. The dominant cultural narrative suggests that (almost) no one experiences any negative physical or mental after effects, and that the pre-born are non-human commodities until their parents decide differently.

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Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant

These words emanating from the lips of your teenage daughter might seem like your worst nightmare.

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My Journey to The Back Porch
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

My Journey to The Back Porch

I've never asked the question “What has being prolife done for me?” We are often asked questions like that about the ideas, organizations, and movements we spend our passions and lives pursing and supporting. Why did we choose it?

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It’s Going to Be Ok I Promise
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

It’s Going to Be Ok I Promise

It all started when I got pregnant in 2012. I already had a child; a two year old boy with special needs. He couldn’t walk, talk, or do really anything on his own. At this point we were still grieving the news about having a child with special needs and overwhelmed trying to figure out the best ways to support him. He never wanted to be put down and it was impossible to get chores done with him.

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Today I Took My Daughters To An Abortion Clinic
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Today I Took My Daughters To An Abortion Clinic

Today I took my two daughters to an abortion clinic to teach them about their reproductive rights. They are 5 and 8 years old. Maybe this seems a little strange, or possibly disturbing, but my eldest daughter is only a few years away from technically being able to conceive a baby in her young, barely-out-of-infancy body. I wanted to take them to an abortion clinic so that they would know their rights.

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Do Pro-Lifers Force Women to Give Birth?
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Do Pro-Lifers Force Women to Give Birth?

Often pro-lifers are labelled as being restrictive or forceful because they are against abortion. Do pro-lifers restrict women in opposing abortion? Do pro-lifers force women to give birth?

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Be Un-apologetically Pro-Life in Conversations
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Be Un-apologetically Pro-Life in Conversations

We've all been there: you're chatting with a colleague or friend about what you did on the weekend. You share that you attended an event and they ask what it was for. This is the moment: do you tell them that it was for a pro-life organization, potentially opening a can of worms you didn't want to?

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Why True Feminism is Pro-Life
Margaret Woodard Margaret Woodard

Why True Feminism is Pro-Life

It's the classic narrative of abortion advocates: abortion is a woman's right. Abortion has been defended by the modern feminist movement in the name of freedom, independence, and equality. Not only is this idea misleading, but it is the exact opposite of what feminism stands for.

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