Get Involved.
Help save lives through a practical means of prayer, volunteering, or donating. We cannot do this with out you!
Help us end abortion by volunteering to come and pray on-site!
Receive specific prayer requests.
Text BACKPORCH to (833) 689-0557.
Note: Please be advised that we have limited space for volunteers and have set criteria for each volunteer position. Applying does not guarantee a spot as a volunteer.
Client Advocates.
Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of those considering abortion?
Friends of The Back Porch.
Are you interested in assisting The Back Porch with projects and events?
If you would like to learn more about volunteering please contact:
The Back Porch (Edmonton)
P: 780-421-9941
Life House (Calgary):
P: 403-452-3950
Opportunities to Serve on the ALIES Board
Are you a pro-life Christian? Do you have a passion for the ministry and the work ALIES and The Back Porch do? Are you a strategic, long term vision thinker? Alberta Life Issues Educational Society Board of Directors is looking for new Board Members to join the team! We are looking for dedicated individuals just like YOU. Especially if you have skills and experience in the areas of HR, Legal, Finance, Fundraising, Counselling, or Maternal Health Care.
Email our Executive Director (executivedirector@alies.ca) for more information or to start the application process.
The support of churches and local groups is very important in our ministry. As a church or group, you can support us through financial gifts, displaying promotional material, becoming a church partner, or dedicating a service to sharing the pro-life message.
If you would like to learn more about how your church can support ALIES, please call or email us:
The Back Porch (Edmonton): 780-421-9941 or outreach@alies.ca.
Life House (Calgary): 403-452-3950 or programcoordinator@alies.ca