Our mission is to educate Albertans on the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death to create and promote a culture of life.
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About Our Organization
Alberta Life Issues Educational Society (ALIES) is a faith-based, interdenominational non-profit organization and a federally registered charity. We operate throughout the province of Alberta. ALIES gathers, develops and distributes information on a broad range of life issues. These include abortion, euthanasia, reproduction technologies, pregnancy, birth control and human sexuality.

ALIES’ Ministries
Upcoming Events
Join our educational events, talks and group sessions for support and to learn more about the pro-life movement.
Book an event with us.
Invite us to speak to your church, school or pro-life group about abortion or euthanasia.
To book a presentation or for more information, please email coordinator@alies.ca.

Available Resources
Click on the resources below to find more information on Adoption , National Pro-Life, Pregnancy & Parenthood and Post-Abortion Recovery.
Adoption in Canada - adoptionincanada.ca/resources/national
Adoption Options - adoptionoptions.com
AMARIS - amarisadoption.com
Alberta Services - alberta.ca/children-families -
Abortion in Canada - love4life.ca
The Alberta March for Life - albertamarchforlife.com
The Wilberforce Project - thewilberforceproject.ca
Campaign Life Coalition - campaignlifecoalition.com
The Just Facts - justthefacts.org
De Veber - deveber.org
CCBR - endthekilling.ca
Hush - hushfilm.com
EHD - ehd.org
Life Canada - lifecanada.org
Canadians Physicians for Life - physiciansforlife.ca
Life Site News - lifesitenews.com
We Need A Law - weneedalaw.ca
Edmonton Profile - edmontonprolife.org
National Campus Life Network - ncln.ca
ProWomanProLife - prowomanprolife.org -
Terra Centre - terracentre.ca
The Back Porch - thebackporch.info
Crossroads Clinic - crossroadsclinic.ca
Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre - www.pregcare.com
Stepping Stones - stepping-stones.ca
Cochrane Pregnancy Centre - cochranepreg.com
Pregnancy Care Centre - pregnancycarecentre.ca
Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre - pregnancycare.ca
Gianna Centre - cssalberta.ca
Emma House - emmahouse.ca
Nurture Pregnancy Centre - nurturepregnancycentre.ca
Birthright International - birthright.org -
Post Abortion Recovery Centre - abortionrecovery.ca
Your Abortion Experience - yourabortionexperience.org
Silent No More - silentnomoreawareness.org
“Thank you so much for talking to me. All I needed was someone to... tell me that I can do it! Now that I decided to keep my baby, I feel so much calmer. Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”
"I’m thankful that people like you exist, because you gave me hope that I can be a proper and happy mom. Thank-you so much everything, I really appreciate you! You gave me a chance to be a mom, and I will never forget what you did for me! "
"We are so glad we came in here and talked to you. You probably just changed our lives.”
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Contact Us
General Inquiries:
admin@alies.ca (403) 452-3950
Monday – Friday | 8:00am – 4:00pm
Edmonton Ministry:
10958 124 St Edmonton, AB T5M 0H8
Mailing Address:
PO Box 16112 Rpo Lower Mt. Royal Calgary, AB T2T 5H7